Order from Chaos

A weblog of romance and madness

incoherent thoughts

I was at office, talking to my colleague over Skype. He was sitting only a couple of rows away from me. But if you think about it, the conversation which originated from me probably went through numerous encodings, hopped on telephone lines, passed through deep sea cables, traveled through satellites and traveled all the way around the world before it finally reached my colleague, who was sitting just a couple of meters away from me. Behind their facades of simplicity, everything in life is complex at the magnitude of a comet hitting a flying fuck.

On the last day of college, I met everyone and exchanged good byes and wishes for future, along with tear soaked promises to meet again. But little did I realize then the finality of the farewells we bid. In the last five years since college, I haven’t met more than a dozen of them. So it is likely that on that farewell day, I met most of my friends for the very last time in my life, without realizing the finality of the moment at that time. I often wonder what I would have done or said differently, had I known. When I took one last look through my hotel room window before vacating it, I didn’t realize it then that I will never ever stand there and look through that window again – not again for a gazillion years stretching between that moment and infinity. Every passing moment has a finality to it. It takes with it something from us that we’ll never ever have again.

I had a full meal the night before my entrance examination, and as a result I felt sleepy afterwards and went to bed early without covering as much topic as I wanted to. This in turn had some effect on the marks I scored in the examination on the next day. The marks decided which college and course I got admission to. I met most of my friends at the college, and the person I’m now and the things I’ll ever do are influenced by the college, and the folks I met there. So, if you think about it, my decision to eat a full supper that day had as much effect as anything else in shaping up the person I’ll ever be and the things I’ll ever do. Everything you do, or don’t, will start chain reactions of earth shattering magnitudes, adding to the entropy of the universe, which in turn changes everything that will ever happen. Or not.

A quirk and a kiss

I watched the movie Juno back in 2011. I liked it. In the movie, the guy, Bleeker, eats orange tic tacs all the time. There is a scene where the girl, Juno, says that “Orange tic tacs are Bleeker’s one and only vice. When we made out, his mouth tasted really tangy and delicious“. At that moment, I decided that this is what my first kiss should feel like too. I wanted the person I kiss to say that my kiss was “tangy and delicious”. I thought it was romantic.

And hence orange tic tacs became one of my obsessions and I started carrying them around with me all the time – just so that I’ll be ready if I happen to stumble upon the moment accidentally. In those days, I consumed more than a case of tic tacs per day.

I did that for months, but the moment never came. And eventually I quit tic tacs for good.

Finally, 4 years later, the moment presented itself. Well, it was planned, so I knew it was coming. And guess what I carried with me to the first date? Duh, a pack of orange tic tacs.

When the much anticipated moment arrived, I quickly chewed some tic tacs. And kissed. I knew I tasted like tic tacs. Goal #1 achieved. I wanted to hear it, so I asked: “Did I taste like oranges? Did you like it?“. I was hoping for an “Yes”.

But the reply was: “Nope, it tasted just like you, and yes, I liked it“. That was the most romantic thing I had ever heard in my life. Fuck tic tacs.

PS: I still have a large box full of empty orange tic tac cases somewhere at home.

The cost of loving is losing it and living with it. You pay, sooner or later.



Finally when all the love songs in my playlist lost their meanings and became nothing more than just nice tunes.

That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt.

John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

For you, a thousand times over

My favorite part from the book, The Kite Runner. (spolier)

They’d both been crying; I could tell from their red, puffed-up eyes. They stood before Baba, hand in hand, and I wondered how and when I’d become capable of causing this kind of pain.

Baba came right out and asked. “Did you steal that money? Did you steal Amir’s watch, Hassan?

Hassan’s reply was a single word, delivered in a thin, raspy voice: “Yes.

I flinched, like I’d been slapped. My heart sank and I almost blurted out the truth. Then I understood: This was Hassan’s final sacrifice for me. If he’d said no, Baba would have believed him because we all knew Hassan never lied. And if Baba believed him, then I’d be the accused; I would have to explain and I would be revealed for what I really was. Baba would never, ever forgive me. And that led to another understanding: Hassan knew. He knew I’d seen everything in that alley, that I’d stood there and done nothing. He knew I had betrayed him and yet he was rescuing me once again, maybe for the last time. I loved him in that moment, loved him more than I’d ever loved anyone, and I wanted to tell them all that I was the snake in the grass, the monster in the lake. I wasn’t worthy of this sacrifice; I was a lair, a cheat, and a thief. And I would have told, except that a part of me was glad. Glad that this would all be over with soon. Baba would dismiss them, there would be some pain, but life would move on. I wanted that, to move on, to forget, to start with a clean slate. I wanted to be able to breathe again.

"First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me."

– Martin Niemöller, Pastor and social activist

random notes I took or thought I took

Unedited realtime notes I took after smoking weed. Because fuck it, that's why. Dates added now.
(PS: Every time you see a couple of dots .. added after a sentence or phrase, insert a few minutes there)

[22 Dec 2014, just past 10 PM]
I had a joint a minute ago. nothing so far im trying to record the effects :p still as sober as ever they said it will take a few mins to take effect.. i've heard stories of people floating.. i'm waiting to fly.. nothing yet.. sober 100% small pain in the stomach.. guess that has nothing to do wiith the smoke.. btw, i took 3 puffs.. nothing yet.. i'm even p i took two more puffs.. no particular effect yet.. it felt better than normal cigarette actually.. smell was nowhere near that bad.. smelled like some herb.. my right eye is feeling a twitch god, i hope i dont get kick and do anything stupid.. no other effect until now it has been like 10 mins now.. 5 puffs total.. well, my other hope is that i get stoned and writes something incredibily i can hear the friend that i bummed from starting to sing something in the other room it has been like half an hour, but no effect.. and on a cliche move, i just started playing godsmack serenity on my mobile.. i had been hearing that it is a weed song since long.. nope.. no effect so far i guess my body is very repellent with serenity is over for a few mins now.. i switched to joe purdy's wash away.. a much better song more than 30 mins and still no effect.. just stood up, walked around and went for a pee.. even my aim was sharp :p .. so i guess im not getting stoned this time the umpteenth song has played out and not even  a hint of anything.. it has been like 40-50 mins now i dont see any point pursuing writing this.. as i dont think im getting stoned (i can sense being a 0.01% dizzy, but thats all) im going to write a long overdue posts on chaos.rebugged.com closing no effect so far.. it's been like 1 and a quarter hrs now after 2 hrs, i took another 6 quick puffs and a long puff eye is a lil heavy now, but no other effect

[23 Dec 2014]
next day night.. 20:53 took quite a few puffs and waiting for it to kick in.. nothing yet.. hope i did a better job this time.. 21:19.. nothing yet 😐

[08 June 2015, past 9 PM]
Well, this one is not a realtime note. I'm updating this after a week. But I really get high this time. Not on the top of everest high, but kinda like on the top on an elephant high 🙂 I don't remember things too well now (which is the point, I believe), but from what I remember, I lied down and played songs, but even when I stopped playing songs, I could hear music in the background. I wonder if it was my roomies actually playing music in the other room or actually tetrahydrocannabinol playing tricks on my neurotransmitters. But an imporatant thing to note is that I couldn't tell the difference. Another effect was that, well I can't really explain it, everything I did felt mildly interesting – such as moving my arms or noding or smiling etc. I remember keeping smiling for long time, but it could've been just a few seconds too. No visual hallucinations as far as I can remember.

But, is it something I look forward to doing again? Nope; mildly interesting is the word.

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

John Adams, Founding father of America

Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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I own nothing.

Not even myself. We are all borrowed sets of particles that have existed in the universe since always, to infinity.